Article: Availability is the New Black
Availability is the New Black
If you follow us in Facebook, you might have recently noticed that we've had some interesting new openings distribution wise. We are extremely happy to start our co-operation this fall with the iconic Finnish Stockmann & Sokos department store chains. The more channels we are available in, the easier it is for our dear friends to find our products and for us to find new friends that have not yet found their way to our brand.
Finally you have the possibility to go and try out how the different patterns & colors suit your outfit before purchasing your favorite. And why not buy a new suit to go with your FatCloth at the same time - it's so convenient! If you happen to pass by Helsinki, Turku or Tampere, please visit the stores and see what's available. Encourage your friends, colleagues & family to do the same so that we can get off with a flying start with our new retailer partners. If you want to check where our products are currently available, please visit the retailer section of our website.
And as always, we are looking for more prospective partners that like what we are doing. Let us know if you know a place where you would absolutely want to find FatCloths being sold.
Enjoy your autumn!